A taste of Maremma
As it is tradition at the Vox Mundi Festival the price of the ticket will include the tasting "Assaggio di Maremma", which is to say a toast with the artists at the end of the concert. After the splendor of sounds and dances coming from different and far away cultures, the wines and products of our
land will take the spotlight!
Sponsored by:
LaSelva - prodotti da Agricoltura biologica
Japan in Follonica
Wednesday, 20th July • h. 19.00 - Restaurant "Nel Giardino di Cri", Follonica
Event dedicated to Japanese culture: war drums exhibition, presentation of Aikido, Kimono runway and a special dinner by Japanese chef Ayuka Sonobe.
Partnership with "Associazione Real Giallu" and CISC (Centro Internazionale di Scambi Culturali).
Info & booking:
"Nel giardino di Cri", tel. +39.333 563 5992 - Pro loco Follonica, tel. +39.0566 52012.