All the concerts within the Vox Mundi Festival will take place in Magliano in Toscana, piazza del Popolo, starting at 9.45 pm.
All the seats are numbered. The entrance ticket costs 12 euros and it includes a tasting of typical local wines and products offered by the farms of the surroundings.
Reduced-fare tickets: 10 euros (Under 18, Over 65).
6 concerts: 60/50 euros - 3 concerts: 33/26 euros
Advance sale at:
Segreteria Vox Mundi Festival c/o Centro Enoturistico - piazza del Popolo - 58051
Magliano in Toscana (Gr). Tel. 0564.593056. Orario 10-13, 17-20.
ProLoco di Albinia, Via Aldi, 21/c - tel. 0564. 871774
Vinile, Orbetello - Corso Italia, 140 - tel. 0564. 867661
Dischi Olmi - Piazza Dante, 23 - 58100 Grosseto, tel. 0564.22491