On Saturday, the 25th of July, Alexian Santino Spinelli comes to Magliano: accordion virtuoso and true ambassador of Romanian culture. Accompanied by his historical band (guitar, double bass, percussions, singing and dancing), Alexian presents a colorful musical fresco of the Romanian musical styles: a wonderful journey that will introduce us to the variety and great charms of a millenarian culture.
Gypsy music, always linked to life's most important moments: nostalgia, passion, energy, sensuality, cheerfulness follow one another in a colorful Rom feast to sing and dance.
On the 5th of August it is Spain's turn, with Esmeralda y Pasion Flamenca. Esmeralda Grao is one of Spain's best singer-songwriters, winner of the Benidorm Festival (the equivalent of our Sanremo Festival), she has already published 4 successful albums and has worked with the greatest Hispano-American artists both as a singer (from Mecano to Marta Sanchez to Enrique Iglesias) and as a composer (Pastora Soler, Malú, etc.). Esmeralda followed in her family footsteps and presented a “metissage” between traditional classics and her own original compositions which are the result of her "sangre flamenco". The visual part of the show is entrusted to the great dancer Lorena Marina Iglesias Juarros.
And finally, on Saturday, the 8th of August, the clincher: "Voci e Percussioni in Bianco & Nero", Vocal Sisters (Afro-Maremma group led by Carla Baldini) meet KonKoBa (Senegalese musicians and dancers). KonKoBa bring back to life the art of griot who are African storytellers that, generation after generation, hand on the story of their country through a multiform art, made of singing, percussions and dances. The lead singer of the group is Pap Yery Samb, member of the Orchestra di Piazza Vittorio, singer and also djembe and sabar virtuoso. The group KonKoBa is made up of 4 musicians that dance, sing and play percussions and traditional African instruments. Vocal Sisters are five singer-percussionists that have been singing the music of the peoples for over a decade, using fascinating resonant images to fuse their Mediterranean roots with the awesomeness of faraway lands and peoples, in particular Africa and Brazil. The encounter between these two groups translates into an extraordinary multi-ethnic feast, a journey between two ancient and genuine cultures that share the same feeling towards nature and life.
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