Maremma (from Spanish "marismas" - marsh) is the southern part of Tuscany. It is an ancient land that used to be rich and fertile with the Romans and the Etrurians.
After the Roman empire's fall, however, it started to decline and to get impoverished. That led through the ages (the barbarian invasions, the Longobards and, during the Middle Age, the dominations of the Aldobrandeschi family, of Siena and Florence) to the swamping of the land.
It was then called "bitter Maremma": a vast expanse of almost uninhabited fens, a land that was "burnt by the sun fever".
Maremma's rebirth is recent history: during the nineteenth century - with the Lorenas - the reclamation has healed the land and, after the defeat of malaria, people had the chance to start living there again.
This peculiar historic path has allowed this land to become the miraculously intact land that it is nowadays: a unique great fresco counterpointed by extraordinary natural beauties and precious remains of a millenary history.
Magliano in Toscana
Magliano in Toscana is a very well preserved medieval village, surrounded by solid ring walls with characteristic round towers.
Magliano is located right in the middle of a land that has a great environmental value (Maremma's natural park) as well as a historical and cultural one (Talamone, Saturnia, Sovana, Sorano, Pitigliano).
Maremma's unpolluted sea (the beach of Osa) is only 9 km away.
Always a land with a marked inclination for wine, in the last few years it has produced wines with extraordinary qualities. These products made some prestigious international guides such as Gambero Rosso and Wine Spectator define Maremma, and Magliano's surroundings in particular, the El Dorado of Italian wine
Visit the page Stay in Maremma:
it is possible to buy tickets for the shows while booking your rooms in one of the beautiful accomodation facilities of the area (you can choose among farm holidays, hotels or farm campings). |